
All of our projects will be circular and zero CO2 by 2030 this is our pledge, and this is how we will get there

Our Manifesto

We go beyond the green-washing and the bling.

Our 4 pillars:

  • Wellbeing
  • Circularity
  • Energy Saving
  • Light pollution

SAVED - our tool to make true sustainable lighting

We could not find a suitable tool and software to be able to fully undestand the impact of some design and technical choices that are normal part of our lighting design work.

That is why we developed our own tool that helps us weigh choices, achieve true sustainable lighting solution and measure all the sustainability paremeters.

We use SAVED for all our projects

What we do

Dedicated Sustainable Services 

that strikes the perfect balance between people needs, architectural design and clients budget. 

We provide lighting design services for every type of built environments. 

These services are embed in all our work for all types of projects.

They can also be individually applied and used for specific situations.


Social Good and Wellbeing

We design lighting schemes that make cities and buildings open, shared, inclusive, safe, resilient and healthy.

The expectation for lighting in a space today are more than calculating lux levels.

A human-centric lighting approach that accounts for social good and wellbeing is an opportunity for every space.


Our design values:

  • design towards bettering life quality
  • account for natural circadian-rythm of humans and animals
  • increase visual comfort
  • boost mood and motivation

Circularity of Lighting

The era of throwing something away just because it is cheaper than repairing it is over.

The circular economy is the most impactful way to lower carbon footprint. 

Lighting follows with a particular set of challanges that need to be understood, navigated and eventually resolved.


We work on:

  • Luminaire repair/reuse/retrofit
  • Advise on appropriate lighting business models (buy-back, LAAS)

Energy Saving

It isn’t enough anymore to use LED in order to save energy.

There is more to it, and we help our Clients navigate this complexity.


In order to save energy we work with:

  • Dimming 
  • Light points reduction
  • Control strategies
  • Control systems design and upgrades

Light Pollution

Protecting and restoring ecosystems and supporting biodiversity is crucial for reaching UN sustainability goals.

Every municipality, developer, architect and engineer must take action.


By reducing light pollution and sky glow:

  • People are going to thrive
  • Fish, insects and all other animals will be protected
  • Resources will be saved
  • Costs will be reduced and money saved

Information pack

Get in touch

whether you are a city, an architect, a developer or private person we would be happy to hear from you.

Hilde Sofie Olaisen
Sustainability Strategist & Lighting Designer